Meyer hatchery?

All is well with the chicklets! Here are pixs of a few of them. A buff orpington, a golden campine, speckled sussex and not sure what the brown-headed one is yet. Most of them a sociable, too, which is nice. They'll come jump on my hand and perch on my arm. We're taking a field trip to the backyard tonight.
We ordered 7 chicks. They arrived the day after shipping. They had sent 8, but one was DOA. The others have turned out to be 2 buff brahmas, one light brahma, a white rock, a barred rock, a RIR, and an EE. Our RIR was so tiny, I thought she was a bantam. She is now catching up but still a bit smaller. I'm worried our light brahma might be a rooster since s/he is soooo slow to feather compared to the rest. our EE has a cross-beak.
So, all in all... most of our birds seem healthy at 7 weeks. Not totally sure I got all pullets, we shall see. The cross-beak is a genetic flaw, so I do wonder if they are breeding birds with an obvious beak deformity.
The dark-headed one was my olive egger. She died last week at ten days old; she just didn't grow/eat/drink like the rest of them and spent far more time under MHP than the others. It was sad, but other than giving her nutri-drench, I didn't know what else to do. The other eight are all getting big! The spitzes are getting their first little mohawk feathers. :)
Ok, got my chicks today they shipped yesterday so they got here quick. I only got 4. I got a faverolle, dominique, buff brahma and a speckled sussex supposedly all girls. Everybody arrived alive and active. No deformities, the only thing the faverolle has some sooty spots. I am hoping it is just because she's hatchery stock and not because she's a dude. :)
I ordered 7 chicks in 2015, 7 in 2017 and 6 this year. No problems other than one of the Barnevelders last year turned out to be a cockerel. Meyer reimbursed me the full purchase price.

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