Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Our little lake up north has made the news down state. Share it on if you want.


The sad thing is all that was damaged was dirt washed out because the level was so high. About 4 dump trucks of dirt would fix the whole problem. Locals want to fix it but were told they would be arrested. Way back a lady donated all the land to the state if they would maintain a dam. It's one of the locals favorite fishing spots.
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I don't think fixing it is as simple as adding more dirt. It would just get washed out again. Looks to me like there needs to be a better/taller retaining wall built, that will cost a great deal more money and infrastructure if you want them to do it right and for it to stay around longer.. I would be mad too if I lived up there, bought property....I can understand the frustration.
I know my opinion will be the unpopular one but quotes like this from that article rub me the wrong way, "It was an unspoiled wilderness paradise. Until the dam broke." Ummm, no. It was unspoiled until they built the dam and moved people in. Before that it was likely a large stream in the "wilderness paradise" and now, with the dam undermined, nature is resuming its course. Sucks for the people who moved there for a man-made lake, sure, but to say it is somehow spoiled now that the dam broke is either pure ignorance or personal opinion. Not trying to be mean, just irked by the wording of it.
Our little lake up north has made the news down state. Share it on if you want.


The sad thing is all that was damaged was dirt washed out because the level was so high. About 4 dump trucks of dirt would fix the whole problem. Locals want to fix it but were told they would be arrested. Way back a lady donated all the land to the state if they would maintain a dam. It's one of the locals favorite fishing spots.
is there any beavers around in the area??? getting some of them to maintain a dam would be the easiest solution for everybody. I saw on some PBS deal that up in Canada they're having good success with getting beavers to not dam up culverts by just pounding in some T-posts just a little upstream of the culvert all close together. They said that there's the sound of rushing water off of them and that draws beavers in to start dam building. Probably way too late in the year to get a new beaver pair to move in now, but could offer an option for next year.

Could you take some pictures of the breach??


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