Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Things are looking up. 3 eggs today and 3 yesterday.

But these 3 roosters have got to go. I like the crowing but the hens don't like all the "attention".
I wish I was getting 3 eggs a day from my freeloaders. Think we got a grand total of 2 today, and the past couple of days its been one only. I ought to get a bucket from KFC, one with a mug shot of the Colonel on it. See if that provides a little more motivation to my 8 girls.
here's the Iowa Blue youngsters :


just met the most delightful young woman and her son, came and got my ameraucanas. hope they do well at your house,
 thanks Diane, nice to be back to just 2 roos.

When they're not trying to escape lol. They got their intro to some fermented feed and cleaned the dish. I'd say they liked it. I'm going to start handling them more. The rooster is now named Hawkeye as per Logan. He thinks Marvel, I think Mash.
On Monday,,as I was set to head to the farm and take my old friend to a dental appointment, he called to tell me that he would be able to go. He had twisted his leg and walking was difficult. I immediately left and soon was examining him to determine the extent of his injury. While it has been almost 25 years since I retired from the fire department, I've retained enough of my paramedic training to determine that he had broken his hip.

A call to 911 brought the paramedics and they agreed with my assessment and immediately transported him to the hospital in Chelsea. Now we are just waiting on the blood thinner levels in his system to abate so they can repair the damage. I think the next few weeks are going to be difficult for he and I both. Me wanting the best possible care for him and his insistent belief that rehab facilities and nursing homes are the same.

With my attention being focused on my friend, I was unaware that the gate to my garden had opened. When Hope went to water the birds this morning she found my Welsummer rooster lying headless out in the yard. When I checked the terrified flock this evening my count revealed that a black sex link hen was also missing.

What this incident points out is that we can never let down our guard against predators. Given the slightest opportunity they can strike. The gate was closed and several conibear traps have been set, but that won't bring back the lost birds. Remember "Always vigilant".

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