Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

RAZ glad all went well and you are back home, do as the Dr.s say and you will be good as new
pay attention to any sign of infection,

if any one wants a broody hen I have 7 right now, 1 hatched 3 chicks, a few weeks ago, 2 were sitting on the same eggs and managed to hatch out 4, now we will see who will be the dominate mamma, I have 2 more setting on the same eggs, and 2 more setting on no eggs, I really did not need any more chicks to feed.thought I had broke 3 or them but 2 or 3 weeks later they went broody again
I also enjoyed talking with Mary. I sure have met a lot of nice folks via this site. My large coop is gone however the small 4 x 5 coop is still available. When the large coop was moved the small coop was damaged. Repairing it would be quite easy. It's 3 x 5 insulated

and is free to anyone that wants to come and get it.
We have a Brahma rooster that was supposed to be an Orp hen
. Anyway, we're in the Detroit area, so if anyone wants him, we'll drive him to you. If not, he's going to chicken heaven if you catch my drift. Let me know.

I also enjoyed talking with Mary. I sure have met a lot of nice folks via this site. My large coop is gone however the small 4 x 5 coop is still available. When the large coop was moved the small coop was damaged. Repairing it would be quite easy. It's 3 x 5 insulated and is free to anyone that wants to come and get it.
Hello, where are you located?

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