Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Yesterday, when we had some sunshine, I went up to the green house and it was in the mid-fifties in there! It warms up quickly, but it cools down quickly too.

I have my chicken run chair up there during the winter, and yes, I sat there for about 20 minutes, enjoying the sunshine. I put the chair up there because I think the plastic would get very brittle in the cold air in the run. I sure do miss the chair to sit on while I visit the chickens.
It's not just that egg flocks have been put down due to AI. Some of the flocks are breeder flocks that produce the chicks that become egg layers. So they have lost not just egg laying hens, but the breeder flocks that provide replacements. That's causing a delay in egg producers being able to replace their flocks.

Those flocks are highly specialized, and often they have different flocks to produce breeder males and breeder females and cross the lines together. So they may be losing many years of genetics.

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