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Thank you Yaklady and Krazykritterlady! I will let everyone know once the kids decide on breeds. I knew I could find a nice variety on here! Even if the birds aren't "show quality" most are nicer than what comes from hatcheries, even if they started from there, most of us cull and only keep the nicer birds for breeding. I appreciate all the help!
Good Morning everyone!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. I am going over to my brother-in-laws and snatching me one of the giant cochins that I hatched out last spring. I need one more chicken to make a full roost in my coop. I had my eye on her and she wants to come home with me. I could sense it. She said she was too good for a muddy coop and she was sick of living with the rooster.She wants to be treated like royalty. SO, here I am to help her out with her divorce proceedings. I just hope I don't have to chase her too much. I have a head cold and I am out of shape and will probably pass out if I have to run too much.

My 3 girls may not appreciate a newcomer but they will appreciate the extra body/feather warmth, so they will get over it.

YAY!!! It's Saturday! I am very glad to have a day off.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
This is why I love the snow in the winter. If it is gonna be freezing cold it might as well be pretty too.


Mornin' all. Don't think for one minute that deer are not smart animals. Now that the season is over I have fresh deer tracks in the yard right up to the back porch.

Finally got through a night with no fresh snow. I am actually seeing the sun today but paid for it with bitter cold last night.
Glad to see Sam finally took that new snowblower on it's maiden voyage. Would have hated to see that thing set idle all winter.
Some of my snow berms are getting to be about 4' high. Glad I started by pushing them way back early in the season. There would be no way I could move them now.
Sam that jerky came out great. You were right my stash is dwindling fast. My hunting buddy came over last night and absconded with about a pound of it not to mention what he consumed while he was here.
Just curious if anyone has tried smoking any fish other than salmon with any measure of success. Picking up my portable shanty first part of next week so I can get out on the ice and try my luck without freezing my little tushy off. Have a great day all. Stay warm.
Well, I did it. Went and got that chicken and brought back one of my turkens too- It was easy to catch the cochin, she ran into the coop and into a nestbox- easy picking- BUT, she smacked me good and hard with her wing at the same time I was turning to carry her out of the coop, and it hurt.
The turken was having NO part of being caught. She ran around and around that coop, made me slip in frozen chicken poop, almost landed in their water...but in the end, I won.

I just now plopped them into the coop and they ran out the pophole as fast as they could. i will go out there tonight and put them in-

Im satisfied. And I think they will like being back (even though they dont remember being here, they were feathered chicks when they left).
Now if I could find a splash silkie I would be complete. I am reallllllllly feeling the hatching itch again, but I just dont look forward to the growing stage.
Yes I have heard of others doing that as well as suckers. I have never caught one in the ponds out back. Mostly bluegill, perch, bass (out of season now) and northern pike. I think the creek out back may have a small sucker population but it is log jammed and difficult to get a net or line into. I know they are plenitful in the Kalamazoo river but I rarely travel to go fishing. Just hop on the ATV and head out back.
Rich, if you want something really good try smoked walleye.

I went to visit Yaklady and her husband Tom. They've got a beautiful place and of course they have yaks. Pretty cool animal. I never realized that they have tails like horses. They currently have 16 and 6 of the cows are due to calf in the spring. I'm looking forward to taking Granny there to see the babies when they arrive. I'm envious of some of the unusual colors that some of her birds have. I had intended to take my camera and after seeing the birds I really wish that I had. Of course my TMB conditions kept me from remembering that I had my cell phone with me and could have taken pictures with that.

Bitter cold temperatures on tap for tonight but at least we've no wind to add to the problem. At least May isn't as far off as it was last month. Once May has come and gone it will be June and we can go to Chickenstock.
Good Evening!

We had a fun day today

It was 4-H day at the MSU women's basketball game.
It was record attendance today too! The Spartans lost by just 3 points. A very exciting game. Lots of 4-Her's there! During the commericals (it was live on TV) they picked 4-Her's to do a game on the court. Emily and I were picked! There was another mom and daugther team we competed against. Emily had to bounce on a big bouncey ball down the court, give me a 5-five, then I had to dribble the ball down and make a lay-up. Well, we won!

I am off to bed. Long day, but well worth it
first time the kids have been to a sports game. My first for b-ball too.

Good Evening!
Good Morning ALL!
It is COLD out there! I am heating water for the girls- going out to see how the two new ones fared during the night.
Apparently, I am at the age where I am capable of hurting myself in my sleep. I woke at three a.m to discover my back is OUT. Well, out enough where getting up/down/bending is very painful. All I did was sleep. How does that happen? It makes for a long day, because chores must still be done regardless. That and the fact that nobody else in my house knows how to bend over to pick anything up off the floor.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay warm.
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