Mille Cochin Info

They do have lovely type amy. Wow 7pullets out of 8? I was jumping for joy when I had 3 out of five. I have a chance at having a quartet of new millies as tge iwner is unwell. Now just have to sweet talk the hubby inti building another pen for me
Love that mille chick and Wiz is looking good. He does look quite fluffy.

You wanna send that pen to New York sometime? I think I could use it.

LOL I wish it did work that way. Gosh, I would have it crammed full of kids. But these just happened to hatch and be raised by hens so once the hens were out then I put all the kids together and out of 3 groups (Mottled, pure red and MF) of chicks only one Mottled is a boy, who may well be staying for show purposes. Though I am not so sure since I have LOTS of Mottled boys in the brooder room that look like they could be shown. Ugh, I should have thrown all those in the pen!

I have not even checked the chicks still in the pen with Xavier and his ladies to see if those are boys or girls. I am in no hurry. They are doing what they are born to do and I leave them to it.

yesterdays hatch (for a friend) ALL blonde…. what the heck? Kind of weird. I think the wet one in the front may be little darker, and the chick in the back looks like she has a slight chipmunk pattern. But I usually end up with many different colors. This is odd.
[COLOR=0000FF]yesterdays hatch (for a friend) ALL blonde…. what the heck? Kind of weird. I think the wet one in the front may be little darker, and the chick in the back looks like she has a slight chipmunk pattern. But I usually end up with many different colors. This is odd.[/COLOR]
:love To bad there for a friend, but I bet they will be so pleased. They are so cute.

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