Mille fleur and a mystery breed roos?


Cats Rule Dogs Drool
11 Years
Aug 21, 2009
Southern California
Hi, I had a bunch of Mille Fleur chicks hatch. More than half were OBVIOUS boys - big red combs and wattles. I got rid of all the ones with red combs, but I swear this one was crowing:

Same thing with this one....I have no idea what breed - maybe fly tier?

Neither of them have obvious crops coming through. They are between 10 and 15 weeks.

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The bird in the last two pics is an Easter Egger cockerel. This would be your crower. Not "crops" and "waddles", "combs" and "wattles".
I have another one I'm questioning. Family thinks they saw both of these crow:

I know the back one is a boy, but what about the front one?

How old is the bird in front? It looks like a cockerel. I'm not sure on breed, is that a rose comb? If so, then mixed breed.
I believe both birds hatched in early April. So, 4 months? The back bird of the 2 is a BCM. The front one is a mixed breed, not sure what it is. The 3 close up photos are from the front bird. So, I'm not sure of it's parents. It might have been from a backyard mix of eggs I got from a friend. I'll see if she has any gold laced chickens.

The other 3 chickens we pulled out of the pen are all crowing. Their combs and wattles are much redder and bigger. Their colors are crazy pretty too. This one hasn't made any crowing noise since I separated it. It's made a racket, but more like a hen. This one is DEFINITELY a rooster.

These 2 - at least 1 of them has crowed, I'm not sure about the grey, but it acts more like a roo than the other does.

They had mites when they were babies and some of them had some feathers that didn't grow back.

Their size is about the same size of my EE hens. These two both have feathered feet. The one by himself does not.


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