
I had to go out in the rain/sleet and chase those two little white laced red Cornish back into the coop. They were huddled under the eve of my garage just soaked to the skin. The silly girls! I hope they don't catch a chill
I was peeling potatoes and I was thinking about my hubby and I told him I loved him and I swear I heard him say he loves me 2. The same time I pulled this potato out of the bag... Awww

My heart just melted...
I had to go out in the rain/sleet and chase those two little white laced red Cornish back into the coop. They were huddled under the eve of my garage just soaked to the skin. The silly girls! I hope they don't catch a chill

If your coop is dry, they should manage. The young ones are especially apt to be stupid like that. I have 4 from that batch that have never stepped foot outside the coop and so they would be dumb enough to huddle out in the middle of all this lovely winter weather we have today.
If your coop is dry, they should manage.  The young ones are especially apt to be stupid like that.  I have 4 from that batch that have never stepped foot outside the coop and so they would be dumb enough to huddle out in the middle of all this lovely winter weather we have today.

Yeah, that is probably the 3rd time I've seen them outside ever. They go in the covered run to the water dish, that's it
Happy Turkey Day!!!
Up at 7:30 to start getting breakfast ready. Before that, it is time for some Italian espresso out of my moka pot. Good coffee, good day.
Had my Turkey soaking in a sweet spicy brine and I will stuff it with the traditional garlic sage. Also had the batter for the popovers resting overnight.
Sweet potato souffle with marsh mellows and pecan strudel topping.
Garlic mashed potatoes.
A rich cream cheese, fresh rosemary gravy.
Mixed veggie with fresh herbs and olive oil.
Corn on the cob.
Also a very important part. I super buttery Chex mix. I baked it for hours.

This is all a lot of fun for me because I haven't had the chance to do this in years.
oh my gosh! really curious aout the cream cheese fresh rosemary gravy! it all sounds delicious, and I bet about now you are totally exhausted!

Well this little girl is testing my patience. Yesterday I was calling the U-M to bring her in and this morning she was in the bathroom squawking away at the top of her lungs. or mites just in case she does have some and I just can't see them.
Are you going to bring her in tomorrow just for the doc to take a look? She does seem better. Which is good, but.....something is going on with her IMHO. still keeping my fingers crossed.

I had to go out in the rain/sleet and chase those two little white laced red Cornish back into the coop. They were huddled under the eve of my garage just soaked to the skin. The silly girls! I hope they don't catch a chill

With the very first chickens I had years ago, I came home on the first slushy snow of the season, and the girls were not in the coop. I was shocked, searched by flashlight and finally found them huddled under the eaves of the house in a side yard. They were soaked to the skin literally. Too afraid of that snow to venture around the yard to the back to their coop. I had to borrow a hair dryer from the neighbor and it took forever to get them halfway dry.

Ever since then, I'm on the lookout for the first snow for pullets, because they sometimes get stuck somewhere out of fear of touching the white stuff.
The pullets tonight, though, saw their first slushy snow, maybe an inch, and they followed the grownups right into the coop.

Tablecloth and stuff is in the washing machine. dishes are done. There is a good pan of plate scrapings and a turkey carcass for the girls tomorrow. I'm beat!
Well this little girl is testing my patience. Yesterday I was calling the U-M to bring her in and this morning she was in the bathroom squawking away at the top of her lungs. I jumped out of bed ran to the bathroom to see what was the matter. And I think she was just bored and wants out of the shower. So I figure I would just brush my teeth and start my day. And as I was brushing my teeth she was eating and drinking. So I gave her her morning anabiotic's soaked her ears and cheeks with warm washcloth and cleaned her ears out again with the dog ear cleaning solution. She seems very lively this morning and both of her eyes are open, not wide but opened. Darn girl just wants to survive. Here are a couple of pictures after I cleaned up her head. And since she pooped on the towel I will add that picture also, because I know how we all love poop pictures. And I didn't notice before her legs on the front look kind of white compared to the back of her legs does that look like frostbite on her legs I'm thinking she might have got it when she got kicked out of the henhouse . so I figure if she's going to try and get better I might as well give her another dose of the pour on med for lice or mites just in case she does have some and I just can't see them.

Wow Coffee, she looks SO much better! I think she just wants to be a house chicken
stopped by Aussies, took the grandkids ( they adopted me as grandma couple years ago and im Ok with it ) I also took new puppy over and he did pretty good, He only irritated her dogs a few times...Aussies babies were very well behaved and patient with my little brat.. but he did stick by us with no leash and had fun he slept all the way home and then went straight to bed when we got here,,Lol little thing is worn out...


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