
I couldn't say for certain, but I will say that I emailed Urch/Turnland twice with no response. From what I understand they are an older couple who might not be technologically savvy. GL with your birds. I have heard nothing but good things about them :)

Welcome newbies!
@Wild Child sounds like you have a great mixture of birds in your flock. Should be a very pretty bunch!

Welcome @eunderth !! AmericanKraut has given you some very great info there! I am checking some of them out! :) I love to read more and more about all the different breeds and their unique qualities!
Well, I heard some frightening news this weekend. My brother in law who shares a property line with me had a black bear on his deck digging through stuff on Saturday night. On Sunday my Mother in Law was there babysitting and went to leave and the bear was right outside the house. I have heard it is of decent size. I have not yet heard if my brother has gotten the sheriffs department/dnr involved yet. Even though I know the bears are around up hear I never really have had to deal with any. This is too close for my comfort!!

On another note: we spent the day getting pelted by hail and snow putting in another run for the chickens. ACK! If only those birds knew what we actually do for them they would lay diamond encrusted solid golden eggs!!! Good for them I am not greedy and am satisfied with the lovely beauties they lay. And I get major satisfaction watching them run and discover things in the runs so I guess the run build was selfishly more for me and my enjoyment than it was for them.
Bears, ack! I love Northern MN, but would hate to deal with even more predators.

The ticks are killing me. I find one on someone every day. How many Guineas do you think it would take to clean up 6 1/2 acres? I really, really hate ticks and spiders. Ugh.
Thank you @nordicacres I just spoke with him. Yes they are an older couple and prefer to communicate by phone. I found out that we won't be getting our order which iis disappointing but he will return our money,
Hi new peeps, welcome to the thread, great people with alot of good information here.

@tommysgirl sorry to hear about not getting your chickens.

Nice puppy pics, always love me some puppy pics!
(by puppy I mean dogs of all ages)
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Hi there!  I am not from MN but I have been expecting a shipment of chicks from Urch/Turnland for the last month and a half and they are from your lovely state.  Today is the last shipment day for them and I have not received a call notifying me that my birds have been shipped. I was wondering if anyone on this thread can tell me if that might be due to AI?   Has it impacted out of state shipping?  I will call Mr. Urch this evening but was hoping that I could find out this much information from you all.   Thank You in Advance.  :)

I hope everything works out! I haven't heard of any stalls on chickens due to AI so hopefully all is well on that front.
they are adorable puppies!

Two days of broody cages broke two of the broodies...so now I have two left, still in cage.  Not a nice way to spend the day!  Also had to upset everyone by blocking off the second half of the coop so the broodies didn't sleep in the nests.  I tried putting boxes pails and other things ontop of the nests to keep them out but they were frantic and managed to knock everything to the ground so they could be on the nests.  So had to resort to shutting the door.  There were some very stressed and upset hens that wanted to roost in their normal spot.

Hoping today takes care of it.  

Determined chooks! I hope today went better!
Well, I heard some frightening news this weekend.  My brother in law who shares a property line with me had a black bear on his deck digging through stuff on Saturday night.  On Sunday my Mother in Law was there babysitting and went to leave and the bear was right outside the house.  I have heard it is of decent size.  I have not yet heard if my brother has gotten the sheriffs department/dnr involved yet.  Even though I know the bears are around up hear I never really have had to deal with any.  This is too close for my comfort!!

On another note: we spent the day getting pelted by hail and snow putting in another run for the chickens.  ACK! If only those birds knew what we actually do for them they would lay diamond encrusted solid golden eggs!!!  Good for them I am not greedy and am satisfied with the lovely beauties they lay.  And I get major satisfaction watching them run and discover things in the runs so I guess the run build was selfishly more for me and my enjoyment than it was for them. :D

Yikes!!! I was in my dad's camper camping in Chippewa Natl Forest and woke when I heard a racket outside in the middle of the night. Everyone was gone over to another campsite at a bonfire and not back. I hollered fatigued rambling out the window thinking it was raccoons and thought they'd run off. Of course raccoons are stubborn, too, but it wasn't a raccoon. Scared the heck out of me when I actually looked out there and saw a bear in the moonlight. I've only seen them around Aitkin but that's little ones and only a few times, one ran across the road once. Nothing unexpected like that. Outside my house would freak me out. I hope everything is ok. Montana rangers really push bear spray over shooting for effectiveness but I'd sure be packing lol. Keep us posted!
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