
I don't know what to do. I have a broody hen that is sick. Background: I had the rooster that was sick from Wisconsin. Sounded congested, raspy. He sounds better, but still crows funny. I used the waterer from his pen, washed it with soap and water and put it in with the broody. She seemed fine, besides that she plucked all her feathers out on her belly. I went in today and she was coughing. By night she sounded like she inhaled water and is super rattly. She's breathing occasionally through her mouth. Watery stinky poo also.

The U will do a necropsy for no fee. Do I do it? If it's contagious, I want to protect the flock if possible. She was in with all of them though. Have you had a broody get sick like this? Any thoughts?

My broodies are mean as ever. It's a tough decision but I'm with Spock when he said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...or one".

I've hated culling sick birds but it would bother me more if I lost my flock.
Are you able to isolate her, perhaps?
cool set up. what are the egg cartonlike things?

I'm thinking of going with the mamabroodyheatingpad thing for the red ranger chicks.  I am not getting them until June, because I have to build another coop and fence in an area, and I refuse to have them in the house.  That means I better make sure I have time to get the coop ready for them, I'll brood them in that.

Think for 25 chicks I'll need two heating pads.

The aggravating thing is that I have a perfectly wonderful brooder at face height in the current coop, but with mareks, I don't want to risk the chicks.  THe last chicks I raised in that brooder were cream legbars from triplett, and all of them died, and all of them were stunted.  In fact, I thought cream legbars were supposed to be bantam sized, til I got ralphie's creamette roo, and whoo, he is a big boy.  proper sized! (standard sized).

althalaia, (sorry I keep getting creative with spelling your name), hope your fingers are better today!

I put feed in the egg flats for the chicks for a few days to make it easy to find the food
Need some chick advice...

I like to give my chicks electrolites and vitamin mix in their water. Fleet farm is out, nobody else around here sells it I have half a package but it is left over from last springs chicks....

do i give them the old stuff? do i just skip it? I may go back to fleet farm tomorrow and see if they restocked

I feel like the old stuff still works. I've used it before and it was better than nothing! Just gets a little gummy do you have to mix it better.

Thanks everyone for your input and encouragement. I think I'm going to bring her in tomorrow if there is a person on staff to do the necropsy. I don't know what I'm going to do if it's a myco or coryza. Ugh. I can handle vaccinating for ilt, but the rest... it's either cull the flock or? :( why don't they have cures yet for this stuff?!
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I feel like the old stuff still works. I've used it before and it was better than nothing! Just gets a little gummy do you have to mix it better.

Thanks everyone for your input and encouragement. I think I'm going to bring her in tomorrow if there is a person on staff to do the necropsy. I don't know what I'm going to do if it's a myco or coryza. Ugh. I can handle vaccinating for ilt, but the rest... it's either cull the flock or? :( why don't they have cures yet for this stuff?!

Yeah, awful either way. How many hens do you have?

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