Our hatch is still slowly winding down. Last night we came home to 18 chicks hatched and one easter egger that was still trying but not making progress. I went ahead and assisted that one and s/he is now doing great. Unfortunately, one of the 19 that we had last night had an opening in the abdominal wall through which intestines were sticking out and had lost a lot of blood, so we culled immediately and one of the 18 that seemed to be doing fine last night was dead when we checked in on them this morning. But the rest are all dried out and fluffy and cute as can be. There were 4 eggs that had pipped (one had even zipped...it was that first one to pip when we went into lockdown) but died in the shell. And 14 more eggs that we left alone. Three had pipped by tonight. DH tried to assist one of them, not realizing that it didn't need help, so we covered it with a paper towel and are hoping for the best. Since today was supposed to be hatch day, we'll leave them until the end of the day Saturday before investigating whether or not they're still alive.
And yesterday we discovered that we have a broody hen! So now the hunt is on for some barred rock, cuckoo marans, or barred easter egger eggs to stick under her.
Wow! Excitement, wonderful news, and heart break!

Glad you got lots.