Missing chicken

Just yesterday I noticed a skunk on my CCTV. From a few days ago. Whenever I mowed around the garden earlier I noticed feathers also on the fence row after a couple laps on the mower I smelt him. foxes will snatch and run until he gets back to the den no evidence. Coyotes will leave a few feathers but will not consume until they feel un
threatened. Haven't dealt with a possum except caught in a trap. Where do you live just wondering what kind of predators you have?
Just yesterday I noticed a skunk on my CCTV. From a few days ago. Whenever I mowed around the garden earlier I noticed feathers also on the fence row after a couple laps on the mower I smelt him. foxes will snatch and run until he gets back to the den no evidence. Coyotes will leave a few feathers but will not consume until they feel un
threatened. Haven't dealt with a possum except caught in a trap. Where do you live just wondering what kind of predators you have?

Raccoons & possums usually leaves feathers behind indicating a fight/struggle.
'Chicks' at 11-12 weeks old wouldn't be sitting under a momma hen but if frightened chickens will trample each other in a panic.You need a camera to see what's harassing your chicks.Its not the momma hen

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