Mites: I've tried EVERYTHING

What is "flowers of sulphur"? I've heard of powdered sulphur for the garden, used it before. But never heard of "flowers" of sulphur.

Sulphur is a mineral mined from the earth. It doesn't come from a plant, but apparently resembles a flower when viewed under a microscope . It has been used in animal husbandry for decades.
It seems to me that after reading several comments, that prevention is worth a pound of cure, and is the best medicine. To be honest, after reading several pest horror stories, my skin is starting to crawl, and I'm also reconsidering having chickens at all
. But, then again, being for warned is forearmed, right? I might be adopting some English bantams from a person who has a lot of them [25+ ], he told my brother I could have some for free. I say "might", because now I'm worried; paranoia has begun to set in, why are they free? At least I know what to look for - mites, lice, etc. and if those chickens have them, then I won't take them, and then I'll have to be careful about making sure no vermin hitch a ride home with me on my shoes, or clothes. I wonder if Craigslist has hazmat or biohazzard suits for sale. Thanks for the information, now if only my skin would stop crawling!
Sulphur is a mineral mined from the earth. It doesn't come from a plant, but apparently resembles a flower when viewed under a microscope . It has been used in animal husbandry for decades.

Okay, same thing I thought it was, just never heard of it called 'flowers'. Used it in the past for a variety of gardening needs. Thanx.
It seems to me that after reading several comments, that prevention is worth a pound of cure, and is the best medicine. To be honest, after reading several pest horror stories, my skin is starting to crawl, and I'm also reconsidering having chickens at all
. But, then again, being for warned is forearmed, right? I might be adopting some English bantams from a person who has a lot of them [25+ ], he told my brother I could have some for free. I say "might", because now I'm worried; paranoia has begun to set in, why are they free? At least I know what to look for - mites, lice, etc. and if those chickens have them, then I won't take them, and then I'll have to be careful about making sure no vermin hitch a ride home with me on my shoes, or clothes. I wonder if Craigslist has hazmat or biohazzard suits for sale. Thanks for the information, now if only my skin would stop crawling!
Oh don't be put off. Having chickens is like having any other animals, with it comes responsibilities . When I was a kid I don't remember chickens being any trouble at all. They were just there scratching around the yard. Now that I'm an adult I know that their level of health depends largely on me. I always dust newcomers before they come to my property, even if there are no signs of lice! My father said once when we burying our 22 year old collie, that he would not own another dog because of the pain he was feeling. Then I reminded him of the joy and friendship that snowey had given to us all. Go ahead get the chooks and do you best to be a responsible owner.
Oh don't be put off. Having chickens is like having any other animals, with it comes responsibilities . When I was a kid I don't remember chickens being any trouble at all. They were just there scratching around the yard. Now that I'm an adult I know that their level of health depends largely on me. I always dust newcomers before they come to my property, even if there are no signs of lice! My father said once when we burying our 22 year old collie, that he would not own another dog because of the pain he was feeling. Then I reminded him of the joy and friendship that snowey had given to us all. Go ahead get the chooks and do you best to be a responsible owner.
I agree!!! Great advice. I have had a mite issue. It was easy to remedy. a few weeks and elbow grease and we are able to keep them down and the girls happy. Pretty easy actually

I have found great joy in having my 3 backyard chickens. They are a highlight to my day. They are so fun to watch. I can sit out there in our little sitting area by the coop for hours. I have even compared it to therapy HA!!!! My 6 year old daughter has loved it as well. To me they are just as easy as having my dog or cat. Good luck with whatever you decide
I have had good luck using this product..\ Organic product works great. Mix it up spray the birds and the coop and nest boxes. Works good also with flies in the coop. Organic. Same product that is in Comfortis flea meds for dogs. Once you mix don't leave it in the sunlight it breaks down fairly quickly.

Next would be pyrethrin or Sevin Dust.
I cleaned out my chick's coop (they're 12 weeks old), sprayed and dusted everything. This morning I dipped 20 chickens (and myself!). So hopefully this will get me a head a bit. They are dusting in a mix of sand and poultry dust so hope that helps too. I have another 28 chickens in the other coop I need to do sometime also. Not sure when I'll get to those. Lot of work for one person.

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