Mixing bantam & standard eggs in the incubator


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 7, 2017
East Texas
I put 6 bantam eggs and 3 standard eggs in my incubator.
I put 5 bantam /2 standard in, then added 1 bantam/1 standard a day later.
So two eggs are already behind by around 28 hours.

I've only hatched standards in my incubator prior to this. I have always ran the incubator dry up until day 18, because I'm in a humid climate. This has worked out well for me.

Since bantams usually need to be locked down on day 16 will humidity be a problem?

I'm thinking that I will stop turning on day 16 or 17 for the bantams, but turn the standards by hand until day 18. Raise the humidity to around 50% on day 17. Add more water on day 18 to raise humidity to 70%.
2 of my eggs (1 bantam & one standard) will be at day 17. I don't want to drown any due to high humidity but I also don't want anyone to have dried out membranes.

The small brinsea I'm using holds humidity and temperatures very well, so I always removed chicks as they dry.

Does anyone have any advice &/or thoughts?

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