Mobile Chicken Coop


May 6, 2021
I wanted to share a mobile chicken coop my husband and I put together. We found the trailer pretty cheap (a used harbor freight one that we found locally). We repurposed as much as we could find around the house, including the paint, but we did have to purchase some 2x4s to finish it. I ordered the nesting boxes off of amazon. On the floor is a plastic tarp type material that we will need to pull up sooner than later (didn't think it through). I plan to use it to house a broody hen and the eggs she is sitting on, for now. I thought it would be a good idea to have something extra on hand for any unexpected situations, plus I can use it to separate future meat birds before culling (something I have in the works). I wouldn't say it's perfect and I know there are some little things I will need to adjust, but I just wanted to share. Maybe this will help someone who needs some ideas (or maybe you see something that could be a future problem for me).


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Very nice JOB :thumbsup
Here are some of my thoughts, on securing further against predators. Mainly raccoons. A raccoon is smart. Can easily figure out how to open the exterior egg-box door. Can also try to open the latch holding the main entrance door. Easy solution,,,, would be a tight screw that makes the latch harder to turn open.
Finally,,, your roof ventilation is GREAT. :frow I do see a vulnerability of a crafty raccoon climbing up to eve, and squeezing in thru the open gap. Easy fix,,,,,, is to cover that with Hardware Cloth as well.
I had a similar gap in my attic eve,,, and yes,,, did get raccoons entering my attic
I can offer suggestions on securing the egg-box doors, but I think with your skills,,, you can do it just as well:)

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:
I like it, great job! The upper ventilation is awesome.

I wonder about that upper roost being so close to the ceiling. Metal roofs can get hot. It may not be an issue depending on your climate.
I agree about adding hardware cloth under the eaves... it's tricky to cut it custom and secure it up so high, but too many critters can make their way in otherwise.
A poop board can be hard to install in an existing structure, but they are really helpful for easier cleaning.

Wish I could find a cheap trailer! Everything I see used online is way too expensive.
thanks for the positive comments :thumbsup
I forgot to mention the eaves. I have hardware cloth on one side and will block off the other with wood. I wondered about the high roost, I will keep an eye out on that one. I am thinking about adding one to the front open area. I am also still thinking about the floor area. I want to be able to clean it without much difficulty. I'll post updates as I work through it. :fl

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