Modern Gamehen Question - cold hardiness???


Apr 13, 2012
Hello, chicken math "made me" end up with two banty modern game hen birds. I got them at the store as chicks. At the time I didn't know what I was getting because the store did not know what they were. Anyway fast forward to now; I have two very nice hens who are very fun and lay these awesome large quail sized eggs. So now that they are feathered I was able to determine the breed. Reading up about it looks like the description for them is "not very cold hardy"

What does it mean exactly? Does anyone know if they are ok in Chicago type winters? My coop setup is such that the coop is sharing the wall with the house/no drafts. They are so little that I am a bit concerned :(
Ugh, i didn't even think our stores here would sell those! i guess will need to find a new home for them somewhere South.
Are they your only chickens? If they're in a coop with others, they'll be fine... they'll sit between them and keep warm... if not, yep, insulate your coop... even if it's something cheaper like putting hay or straw in feed bags and stapling them to the inside walls...
No they are not only chickens. I have 4 more - 2 cochins, EE and a buff brahma. All bantams but have been doing great in winter.
No they are not only chickens.  I have 4 more - 2 cochins, EE and a buff brahma.  All bantams but have been doing great in winter.

Then they'll probably do fine... just make sure you don't have any drafts inside the coop... or even try stapling cardboard along the inside walls to give it some extra insulation, just make sure it's ventilated so moisture doesn't collect on their combs and wattles causing frostbite... they'll keep each other warm... :)

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