Moldy Bread as treat for chickens?

mold spores and mold in any form is not healthy to any living thing that breathes. They tend to grow in the lungs and because it needs heat and dampness and now you have a incubator. You can put 1 million spores on the tip of a pencil. Good luck
Not all mold is bad and going to wreck your lungs. Some molds are used to make medicines and cheese (among other things) and if you had any idea how moldy a country ham is before it's washed and packaged, you'd never eat it again. Heck, the white skin on salami is mold. The difference is the type of mold and how deeply in the food the spoilage penetrates. It's also a visible sign that the food has been around long enough to have grown too much bacteria to be safe to eat.

The type of molds common to grains and grain products are particularly dangerous because they release mycotoxins as they break down the grain. This is what people worry about with moldy bread or feed.
My rooster

just got sick from this and I had to give him vetrx
I think that it all comes down to common sense, they can eat a little bit more mould than what we can, but maybe not a lot. We don't give our chickens any bread after three o'clock in the afternoon. It can, and does, lead to egg-binding, which does have very tragic results...

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