I am wondering what is the best way to care for my chickens with the upcoming weather. I have 8 Plymouth Barred Rock Hens. I've winterized the run and the coop, I have some ventilation in the coop, deep litter method, keep the water and feed outside with a run that we staples heavy gauge plastic sheeting. But all of my chickens are molting late with bare skin yet, and still into January. My coop is about 48 square feet. We are going to be having weather down to 11 degrees at night, and the next day down to -2 degrees, with a high of 16. And a long streak of normal very cold weather in the single digits and into the negative digits. We've been having prior to this upcoming streak, highs in the 30's - 40's and lows in the 20's-30's. This very much colder is coming on almost overnight. How do I protect the birds bare skin in the colder weather of negative and single digits?