Molting chicken with bloody skin help

Going to go attempt to at least spray the wound care on the brahma for now since i cant take my 8 month old out there with me to treat all the birds. Hoping my mil will come watch mt kids so i can go treat coop and birds.
Went out and sprayed the mite treatment on the 3 birds who looked infected the most on their necks, backs, tails, vent areas and under their wings for now. I know i need to treat the whole flock (all 12 girls) but my son is inside sleeping so i wanted to be quick. Will go treat the rest of the girls later and the coop. Should i sprinkle the poultry dust in the run too?
I would clean/rinse the run and only us the dust for gaps where the mite can hide. And than in a week do it all again.
I know it is shocking when you discover it for the first time. Normally chicken are easy to care for. There are only a handful of problems you can encounter but this handful of problems can get overwelming very soon. This is the reason why everyone should do regually inspections on the coop and the birds. If you deworm and vaccinate every three month, and check for leg and red mites and co. every week your flock is safe from most of the hazards of the poultry world. The birds get used to the handling easiely and with some treats they will let you do it without protest.
Went out and was only able to get 3 chickens to dust. I however did not see any mites or anything on them? The one who has the wound looks worse and swollen in that area. As i was trying to dust her my big buff orpington (who i keep catching plucking feathers from other hens but not chasing them) kept coming up and pecking her in the face and made her beak bleed some. I wiped it off and seemed like it wasnt a continuous bleed. I had to keep shooing her away and ahe jusr kept coming back and pecking at her. Im so confused on if this is truly mites or bullying???? Wouldnt all of my birds so signs of mites by now?
Lice treatment is repeated after 10 days and mite treatment after 7 days to get the eggs. Treatment is fairly time consuming, and after treatment, any bedding in the coop or nest boxes should be replaced. Bedding such as hay or straw can harbor mites inside the strands, and sometimes is a way of introducing mites. Permectrin 3 (permethrin) concentrate can be mixed with water to spray the coop, nests, and roosts. The diluted liquid can also be sprayed on birds, but many use the permethrin dust instead. Some use Sevin dust, but it's use is controversial since it can cause cancer, but I have used it without problems in my garden and coop in the past. I now prefer permethrin. Some people also use Frontline 1-2 drops on the back of the neck for mite control. If you don't see the lice eggs or mite dirt, or the tiny bugs especially around the vent, they may not have them. The links in my post # 12 are very good to see what they look like.


Lice eggs


mite eggs
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I picked up like 4 burds and looked unser tail and vent area and didnt see any parasites. What else could be the culprit? My husband changed their diet by adding to much scratch and then gave them a flock block on top of that. I removed the block because they were just non stop eating it.
I'm thinking this is bullying or boredom from other hens. My same buff orpington was steadily plucking feathers from the brahmas back as she was relaxing in a dusting hole. Ive been concidering letting them free range for a little bit while I'm home but afraid they will go to far and not come back or get killed by a hawk.
I'm thinking this is bullying or boredom from other hens. My same buff orpington was steadily plucking feathers from the brahmas back as she was relaxing in a dusting hole. Ive been concidering letting them free range for a little bit while I'm home but afraid they will go to far and not come back or get killed by a hawk.
Chickens do not like to sleep outside at night (usually) so if they know their coop they will come back before night.
Hawks don't normally prey on healthy chickens.
Also if you'd like them in before night, just put a treat inside the run and maybe catch a hen and put her by the food.
That should get them in.

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