
Ordered 25 chix on Saturday. The will arrive on 4-20-09. This will give us plenty of time to move the building 1 mile in to our back yard. and then spruce it up a bit for the new arrivals. Any one have any knowledge of a good way to cross a creek for a chicken coop run. Wondering how you could keep the critters out?
hi, I'm from Ravalli County
I am in DeBorgia 18 miles from the Idaho Montana State Line. 100 miles to Missoula from here and on interstate 90 exit 18. Lots of new Dorking chicks right now all colors. Warm days and lots of sunshine they are doing good. Jeanne

Hi to fellow Montanans!

Livingston is our home--just a mile south of town.

Started my first little flock of 14 (well, 15, but he was overly RUDE to the girls, so now he live in Big timber!) in April.
The "Pampered Poultry Princess Pavilion" (or as my father dubbed it-- the "Circle 4-p Ranch" )was open for move-in June 1 and the girls started laying last week!

This has been a project I've wanted for several years, but the family is really coming on board. We chose a mixed flock and they should all weather well here...the coop is well insulated and well ventilated...what is everyone here (read: REAL winter, but dry climate...long dark nights) doing for "winterizing" or winter care? The general forum postings are interesting, but I've found that you really need the advice of others from your geographical region....

Thanks for the fellowship!
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One thing that I do is supplement light so that the girls are getting 14 hrs of daylight each day. Otherwise they will stop laying. My girls were laying all through the winter last year. I hung a 40 watt bulb in a trouble light and attached a timer to it.

I also use a 150 watt red bulb over the roost that is on a temperature sensor. It comes on at 32 and goes off at 36. Before I used the red bulb over the roost a couple of my girls got frost bite on theie combs. After I hung it I had no more problems.

I also have a heated base for the waterer so it will not freeze.

Hope this helps.
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