Month Old Chick Behaviour (roo or hen?)


Jul 22, 2023
Southern Ontario
Not that serious, just something weird! I love this look goofball because he, or she, just seems to not know how to chicken most of the time.

Anyways, I was just giving this little dude some attention and suddenly “he’s” crouching down and puffing “his” bum up. At first I thought nothing of it because this is a baby that still follows mum… until the clear liquid. 🫠

I no longer will be petting more than the head or chest. I’m assuming he is actually a she but if that’s the case, she’s the only female barred rock my barred rock hen has had, as all the others are roosters. And if he is still a he… weird boy.
What's the dad?
If he's a none barred bird it's pretty likely that cross is making sex links and only the male offspring will have barring.
Just thinking since you've said all your other barred ones from her have been male.
Post pics of birds and we can tell you the genders.

If he/she’s a rooster, the hen-like… ruffling feathers behaviour is confusing. More confusing than it being only a month old, maybe a little more. (The scarring on its face is from an injury when it was a baby)

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