Just a friendly reminder to all of us to pick up and clean up our parking spot after the show is over. The bent creek folks are so nice to open their store, restrooms, soda machine, etc. We want to be sure we don't burden them with cleaning up after us. They are planning to grill and serve hot dogs and drinks for a small fee. I'd like to encourage all to support this effort so they'll continue to do it.

I am looking forward to wonderful weather and seeing friends again after a long cold winter break!
Thinking of making the drive with my boys in the morning... wondering if anyone will have bantam Cochins? We have a bantam cochin and a blue rock that are both laying eggs right now and we would like to add two or three more!
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All packed up and ready to roll. See everyone in the morning!!!
I won't be able to make this one. We are still making pens and moving animals to my friends until we can sell this place. I have some things for sale, but no energy to bring them.....
If anyone wants some of the things I have here's the breakdown:

2 Splash Silkie Pullets - Free, they are nice looking but have a slight twisted beak.
1 Bantam White Polish Pullet - Free, same as above but worse ( don't know what's up with that?)
1 Black Bantam Cochin cockeral $5
1 Millie Flur Bantam Cockeral $20
2 pair of bantam Cochins $20 a pair ( Birchen roos W/white hens)
Few Pairs of Pet Q Silkies, $15
Extra Silkie roos $5
Black Orp Pullet - $10

Will have some nice Silkies and Bantams when I can tell who's staying.. hehe
So sorry you had to miss the swap, even sorrier you have to shake up your life and move. Maybe this will be a blessing in disguise after all the hard stuff is over. I certainly hope so.
It was a great swap for me! I got 10 little chicks. I may need some help in ID'ing the breeds. There are two that look like little chipmonks and two that look like little chipmonks in the reverse (light color where is normally dark). Anyone have any clues, let me know.

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