More natural run set up?


For nothing will be impossible with God-Luke 1:37
Premium Feather Member
Apr 2, 2021
I have 4 hens and a pullet at the moment.
I plan on rehoming one.
My pullet is being picked on a lot, her comb was pretty much black yesterday due to them pecking at her. Where as 3 days ago it wasnt like this. She doesnt have a buddy as all of her hatch mates were cockerels. but im hoping one of my chicks turns out to be a pullet and they will get along. I did seperate them for now.
She did just start laying yesterday as well.

Coop is a 6 ft x 4 ft = 24 sq ft
Run is 16 ft x 10 ft = 160 sq ft
Under the coop(dust bathing area) is 6 x 5 ft = 30 sq ft

I have a second intergration coop in there that is a 4 x 4, 16 sq ft. That is being took away in the run. Im thinking about moving it out of the run.
I already have dust bath, bike tire, roosting bar, i throw scratch grains on the ground once a week. Or grass/ vegetables in every other day.

Does anyone have any natural run ideas for hiding spots? Or just things to add to the run to stop boredom?

Thanks in advance
I think berry bushes would be fun for them because it provides some food as well, but be sure that the bush's leaves and berries are not poisonous to chickens.
I could grow a few potted blueberries bushes and then put them in there and remove them when i need to.

We already have strawberries planted so they will be getting some of those this summer.

Thanks !
If you can fit them, a few small bushes in buried pots would be a nice start! if you cut the bottom of the pot and half bury it, you'll have a little chicken proof circle around it so they don't uproot it. Try haskap berries! They are very early to fruit (even before strawberries) and birds LOVE them. I really love them too, they taste like a mix between raspberry and blueberry. Try a local fruit tree nursery near you but here is what I'm talking about, I have this variety and it's yummy.

Another suggestion - elderberry. Grows very fast and chickens LOVE the berries as they drop off. I have a number of them in my yard and they're a favourite for shady summer spots as the bushes sort of bend down under the weight of the berries, making nice hiding spots.

Hope that helps!
You can add some tree stumps or other branches from trees to add clutter and things for them to do.
If you can fit them, a few small bushes in buried pots would be a nice start! if you cut the bottom of the pot and half bury it, you'll have a little chicken proof circle around it so they don't uproot it. Try haskap berries! They are very early to fruit (even before strawberries) and birds LOVE them. I really love them too, they taste like a mix between raspberry and blueberry. Try a local fruit tree nursery near you but here is what I'm talking about, I have this variety and it's yummy.

Another suggestion - elderberry. Grows very fast and chickens LOVE the berries as they drop off. I have a number of them in my yard and they're a favourite for shady summer spots as the bushes sort of bend down under the weight of the berries, making nice hiding spots.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the ideas!

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