More than Molt ?


5 Years
May 18, 2019
SouthWestern PA
I have 5 hens & 1 rooster (+5 ducks). All seem to be in various stages of molting. This bird however, seems to have a lot of feather loss. I noticed back earlier in the spring that she was slowly losing feathers & down off her chest. I thought she was plucking herself tho I never saw her doing that. Maybe coincidence, but now that they are molting, she is losing a lot everywhere. Her back end isn't quite as bad but still significant loss. The rooster mates with her along with the others but she is the only one like this. Other hens, I see feathers on ground but to look at them, you can't tell they losing anything. Pix don't show real well, but if anyone has any ideas...?...thanx!


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What breed is she? She looks a lot like how my Black Split-Lavender Orpington did a few weeks ago, and she had the balding on the crop area as well. It looks like your bird is just going through a hard molt and should be fine in a month or so. If you'd like to speed up the process or avoid others messing with her feathers, you could separate her in a dark coop until she's feathered out again. (Warning: if you separate, it could cause some pecking order issues for her when you return her to the flock.)
Not sure of her breed. I adopted her. But to give more info, she is almost 3 yrs old. This is only her second summer with me & she didn't look this scraggly last year molt. She came with another hen of different breed. My other 4 hens & rooster are little over year old. Should I try treating for mites just in case, even tho others don't have the feather loss? Also not sure about her egg production. Most days this past summer I've seemed to only get 4, but she does roost as if she laying. Some days all 5 eggs like should be. But maybe the older 2 are getting too old ? They like to share nests so I cant always be sure who's laid. I get 2 different egg colors so that helps to narrow it down . Last couple weeks it's only been 1-3 eggs/day. I figured molting, cooler weather.
Worried because the loss on her chest definitely started earlier this summer / late spring. Just very small area that gradually got larger, then recently, noticeable loss below tail & became real scraggly-looking all over. Otherwise, eating & behavior is normal. Concerned this could spread to everyone else, but doesn't seem to be.
I don't have much experience with chickens & my never ducks have never shown bare skin during molt.
Not sure of her breed. I adopted her. But to give more info, she is almost 3 yrs old. This is only her second summer with me & she didn't look this scraggly last year molt. She came with another hen of different breed. My other 4 hens & rooster are little over year old. Should I try treating for mites just in case, even tho others don't have the feather loss? Also not sure about her egg production. Most days this past summer I've seemed to only get 4, but she does roost as if she laying. Some days all 5 eggs like should be. But maybe the older 2 are getting too old ? They like to share nests so I cant always be sure who's laid. I get 2 different egg colors so that helps to narrow it down . Last couple weeks it's only been 1-3 eggs/day. I figured molting, cooler weather.
Worried because the loss on her chest definitely started earlier this summer / late spring. Just very small area that gradually got larger, then recently, noticeable loss below tail & became real scraggly-looking all over. Otherwise, eating & behavior is normal. Concerned this could spread to everyone else, but doesn't seem to be.
I don't have much experience with chickens & my never ducks have never shown bare skin during molt.
I think separating her in a dark coop would probably take care of her just fine. Again, my bird looked the same, and she's 2.5 years old. As far as laying, at this age she should be slowing down a lot. My bird who looked like yours hasn't laid in awhile due to the molt. When chickens molt, whether it's a hard or soft molt, they'll slow down to even stop.

To check for mites, look in the warm spots like under the wings, around the vent, etc. If it is mites, the whole flock will have them, so check multiple birds. Mites are usually hard to spot, so when moving feathers around, look quickly, especially near the feathers' bases.

Do you know if you have any pluckers in your flock? They could be contributing to it, though I'm leaning more toward a molt than anything. Some molts can take up to six months to do, so time can play a roll. If she is getting plucked, separating her even in a kennel inside the coop will protect her until her feathers grow back.
Minor feather loss does not always grow back until after molt. The whole molting process is loosing and growing feathers. Can you see new feathers starting yet? Molting is a normal process for chickens. She will be fine if she stays with the flock.
Thanx for all the info! The other chickens (or ducks) don't pick on eachother at all. They all get along really well. She doesn't have any broken feathers...I will keep watch for regrowth but don't see any yet. Will also check for mites. Otherwise as long as she is eating & behaving normally, I will give her time. Thanx again everyone!

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