Most Beautiful Goats? Be prepared NOT what I expected!

that is what it looks like! Smart kid!
See if I had a goat born lik ethat I would cull it at birth thinking its a birth defect! that is FUGLY!! I sent it to a goat hommie of mine and I will tell you what she said!!!!
I'd have to cull the poor thing if any of my does had a kid that looked like that! That is the oddest looking thing I've ever seen. I just feel sorry for it.
Doesn't even compare to my English Bulldog
I'm sure the Bulldog is much more asthetically pleasing, but I was referring to the breathing problems commonly found with the breed.

I assumed that silly, all I listen to is snoring all night long. She's louder then my husband
Maaz Al Shami is another name for this goat....Someone on another forum said it was caused by purposely cross breeding a boer and a Jamnapari goat. Something about the mix of the two breeds results in the weird structure. No idea. Maybe some Goat experts can help figure this out.
I agree and then it looks as if they "crop" the ends of the ear to make them straight across. If you google them, you can find some pictures of them and they do have normal goat ears. They probably crop and tape them to be that way.

I think they are interesting looking, however I would never want one

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