Most docile breed

I totally agree with aart. Each bird is an individual.

That being said, here's my experience...
I had a buff brahma who was friendly with other birds but no way she would let me touch her--it was not what I was expecting from the breed. My friendliest have been Buff Orpington, Speckled Sussex, Swedish Flower Hen, Ancona and White Sultan. My Dorking is great with me and always interested in what I'm doing but she tends to be a little bossy (not mean) with the others. I have 2 Ancona that I got because of their Sentry Duty quality. I'd heard that they can be tame and I am so surprised how curious and interested they are with me and how willing they are to be held. They are not at all bullies and seem to really like each other especially and are always side by side.
I had a Dominique that was a real sweetheart...

To aart's comment about the birds currently at the bottom of the pecking order...we had the same experience. Our Australorp was at the absolute bottom of the pecking order until we added 3 new pullets and then she was a relentless terror to them. It will all change with the introduction of new birds.
Thanks, all! Very wise advice. We're going to try some no pick solution and more enrichment. The 4 birds have a 7'x8' henhouse and an 8'x10' run. We're also going to see about fencing another area that is grass where they could "free range" for a bit each day while we supervise them. I would consider confining the 2 that are plucking for a few days if it might help. I'd rather not cull. We're pretty partial to them, even though.
I have 16 LF birds right now.
Many different breeds.
I have 3 Speckled Sussex and 2 of them are very friendly.
I have 3 Australorps and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 partridge Rocks and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 Silver Penciled Rocks and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 EE and 1 is very friendly.
I believe it depends on the individual bird and how they’re raised.
All of my broody raised birds are not really interested in human interaction but aren’t flighty.
And some of the ones I raised aren’t interested in people much either unless you have food lol.
The worst bullies I’ve had were 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes that were quite the Mean Girls Club.
Since rehoming them things have been a lot calmer and quieter. :)
I have 16 LF birds right now.
Many different breeds.
I have 3 Speckled Sussex and 2 of them are very friendly.
I have 3 Australorps and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 partridge Rocks and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 Silver Penciled Rocks and 1 is very friendly.
I have 2 EE and 1 is very friendly.
I believe it depends on the individual bird and how they’re raised.
All of my broody raised birds are not really interested in human interaction but aren’t flighty.
And some of the ones I raised aren’t interested in people much either unless you have food lol.
The worst bullies I’ve had were 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes that were quite the Mean Girls Club.
Since rehoming them things have been a lot calmer and quieter. :)
Yes! My Wyandotte is such a witchy poo! Bullies the other gals, especially my sweetest angel Claire Bear my Barnevelder... just love her to pieces and she adores me because I am the only one who doesn’t pick on her;)... well, me and the Silkie that is. And my Wyandotte only lays about one egg a week:confused: ... and she just started laying this summer.
Yes! My Wyandotte is such a witchy poo! Bullies the other gals, especially my sweetest angel Claire Bear my Barnevelder... just love her to pieces and she adores me because I am the only one who doesn’t pick on her;)... well, me and the Silkie that is. And my Wyandotte only lays about one egg a week:confused: ... and she just started laying this summer.
Mine were pretty good layers.
Two laid almost daily and one about every other day.
They’ve ruined Wyandottes for me.
I have no desire to get them ever again.
Mine were pretty good layers.
Two laid almost daily and one about every other day.
They’ve ruined Wyandottes for me.
I have no desire to get them ever again.
Yes, I agree! And it’s too bad cuz they are such pretty birds! But honestly I could have a whole flock of Barnevelders....! Sweet, sweet, sweet, and beautiful to boot!!

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