Most Unique Fowl Contest - Closed For Judging

This is my pet dove and as he says, he's the most important thing in my house. Every time I rescue birds he thinks I'm going to ignore him.🤣
Here's a "small" story on how I ended up with him!

I figured he fell from the nest so I picked him up ( at that age where the mother starts to take them down from the nest) and kept him inside, fed him and talked with him. After a couple of weeks I was going to release him but decided not to. So now he lives inside the house as a free range bird. He loves to take naps on the bed and fight wooden peg dolls. 😂
Well, when we found him we thought he was a pigeon so we named him Pichon but it turns out he is a Eurasian cuddled collared dove.
He has been on 3 long trips one 11 hours in the car to California, 6 days long , another to Austin TX which was 8 hrs on the road, 3 days long and another for the Solar total eclipse in Waco TX, 9 hours on the road and 3 days long!!! Wow! Great Job Pichon !
He also has 10 names 🤣

Here he is on one of his 3 long trips in the car😄



Btw we call he's eyes Bug eyes😂
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