Mother hen still hasn’t weaned her 2 month old chicks


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2024
My mother hen (Nutmeg) is starting to act like a normal chicken again, and is a little less protective over her chicks. She isn’t food clucking for them (as far as I know) anymore, and she’s just clucking normally in general. She isn’t, like, attacking or throwing them, but I’m starting to think I should maybe separate them, since she isn’t really mothering them anymore? Also, another thing I noticed, is that she’s crouching and putting her wings slightly out when I come really close to her. Not sure if that’s related, but it’s something.
Thoughts on this whole thing?
My hen didn't wean till at least ten weeks. It's fine :). Is the family integrated into the main flock or are they still living alone?

Your hen crouching is a sign that she wants you to mate her, she thinks you're a rooster.

Hope this helps!
My hen didn't wean till at least ten weeks. It's fine :). Is the family integrated into the main flock or are they still living alone?

Your hen crouching is a sign that she wants you to mate her, she thinks you're a rooster.

Hope this helps!
Thank you! They sleep in a dog crate inside my chicken coop with the rest of the flock at night, and during the day they’re in a separate pen away from the others. And I was thinking that her crouching was a sign that she wasn’t trying to protect her chicks from a ‘rooster’, because she’s usually pretty protective.

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