Mottled silkies?

@Timbers Happy Hens that makes perfect sense! I believe it’s possible to get paint satins right off the bat with that pairing, as approx 50% of the babies should be paint and approx 50% black. Then depending on if your hen carries two copies of satin, all the babies would be satin, or if she only carries one copy of the satin gene then 1/2 of her babies could be satin. That’s so fun, I’m excited for your project!
Thank you, so am I!!!
Oh also, I just got a couple pics of the chocolates I got today, just thought I’d share🩷
These are the centerpieces of all my future projects!!


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Oh wow, they are absolutely gorgeous!!!! I am so excited for you!! Please keep us posted on your projects! Are you doing sex linked projects with the chocolate gene? I would love being able to do that.

I have in my incubator blue creams and some cuckoos in various colors. (If they hatch! We had a power outage for an hour today and the eggs cooled to 90* :( and they are only on day 2 which is a very sensitive stage)

I want lavender silkies so badly but they are soooo hard to find, and everyone says they die for no reason. So the blue creams are the closest I can get to them. I am wondering if there is any way to make lavender out of blue cream. I’ll have to search for that, the last time I tried I don’t think I found an answer. Anyways sorry to veer off topic. Excited to watch for what you have going on!
Oh wow, they are absolutely gorgeous!!!! I am so excited for you!! Please keep us posted on your projects! Are you doing sex linked projects with the chocolate gene? I would love being able to do that.

I have in my incubator blue creams and some cuckoos in various colors. (If they hatch! We had a power outage for an hour today and the eggs cooled to 90* :( and they are only on day 2 which is a very sensitive stage)

I want lavender silkies so badly but they are soooo hard to find, and everyone says they die for no reason. So the blue creams are the closest I can get to them. I am wondering if there is any way to make lavender out of blue cream. I’ll have to search for that, the last time I tried I don’t think I found an answer. Anyways sorry to veer off topic. Excited to watch for what you have going on!
Yes I will absolutely keep this thread updated! I would also die for lavender silkies. I have a friend that has lavender stains from a Cochin silkie cross. It took a couple generations but she did it!

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