Mouse solution


Aug 14, 2022
I just have to say getting some high quality clove oil was a godsend. I really doubted it. They obviously cannot stand that stuff. Be liberal with it. Put it all around where they come in, run it along sides and corners. Make sure they've got to go through it to get anywhere. I just used the dropper for it. And I still have plenty to keep up. But it really smells like cloves for a while. We've tried so many things. Could not believe how quickly and easily and well that worked! I was vacuuming up their poops every single day. Knew where all their favorite spots were because of it. Within 2 days nothing. Nothing to vacuum. No holes chewed in the bottom of feed bags. Just nothing.
BTW I decided to try this because I do wildlife rehab. One of the squirrels I had went berserk when I used something with clove in it. She was furious she was agitated, not happy at all. Barking. Flicking her tail and jumping around. Luckily I had just spray it a little and she calmed down when it dissipated. From what I googled it said rats and mice don't like it either. So I figured by that reaction it was worth a shot. I don't think a little spray would hang around long enough to do a good job detering them. But if you get some good quality oil and put it on like you'd spray for pests it does the job!
I just have to say getting some high quality clove oil was a godsend. I really doubted it. They obviously cannot stand that stuff. Be liberal with it. Put it all around where they come in, run it along sides and corners. Make sure they've got to go through it to get anywhere. I just used the dropper for it. And I still have plenty to keep up. But it really smells like cloves for a while. We've tried so many things. Could not believe how quickly and easily and well that worked! I was vacuuming up their poops every single day. Knew where all their favorite spots were because of it. Within 2 days nothing. Nothing to vacuum. No holes chewed in the bottom of feed bags. Just nothing.
Will dried clove, the kind for baking, work?
Amazing if this works and so little used it might be a great temporary deterrence for rodents. But, it isn't a permanent fix, constant re application of the oil.

When you want to control rodents there is one simple 100% effective way; you stop feeding them.

Keep us posted, this could help people with chicks or tiny birds.

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