moved the stink bombs to the coop at 1 week

they are doing fine in their new coop- altho it was about 55 last night, and they were circled under the heat light beams this morning. i have two that are just not doing too well - one is very small still, and the other is not walking well on one leg ( both may have gotten trampled).

I am surprised at how active they still are, as everyone says that they just sit around. when i go in the coop - they are all pretty much sitting around, but then i talk to them and they start running about and waving their little wings like
" look at me!". with the order, i received a black/white splashed chick, and he is the most active and starts running - they all follow suite. I think that I will have to separate him, when they get much bigger than he is - or he may get trampled too.

i just started removing their feed between 7pm-7am last night again, and this morning it was mayhem at the trough!- lots of pushing and shoving. i'll have to come up with a bigger trough - probably make one out of wood scraps.
MIne are 10 days old and they have to go outside today. My husband is goign out of town and if they don't go live outside I am afraid I would be before he gets back.

They really are stinky little poop machines.
The poop song is hilarious

I want to try meaties but am worried about the processing. I am trying to find someone local to do it for me. The cooperative extension doesn't know of anyone, but he did offer to come and show me how to do it.

As it is already cold at night up here in the northeast- we had frost yesterday morning- I guess I will wait until spring.
It's really not bad- hardly noticable, in fact, if you do a few things. They WILL stink inside. After they're outside, as long as you keep them in a tractor and move it at least once per day, you will barely notice a smell.
Everyone's nervous the first time they put their babies out, but if you build your house fairly decently, they all love their first night not being trapped in a cardboard box.(At least, mine did!!)
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