Movie Character Hatch-Along!

Happy Guardians Of The Galaxy GIF by PlayStation
I did my first candling and things look promising! All except for A6, B2, and B9. Didn't see much of anything in those ones unfortunately. It's only Day 3, so there's still some hope and I'm giving them a chance. I'm going to candle again on Day 5 and if I don't see anything, they'll be replaced with one of the understudies waiting for a spot to open up. @PrettyBirdRocky , @TheWasp : If you'd like to change what egg number you're claiming, feel free. You could also stick with the one you have and likely have your egg number/name be assigned to a new egg.
I did my first candling and things look promising! All except for A6, B2, and B9. Didn't see much of anything in those ones unfortunately. It's only Day 3, so there's still some hope and I'm giving them a chance. I'm going to candle again on Day 5 and if I don't see anything, they'll be replaced with one of the understudies waiting for a spot to open up. @PrettyBirdRocky , @TheWasp : If you'd like to change what egg number you're claiming, feel free. You could also stick with the one you have and likely have your egg number/name be assigned to a new egg.
:/ Unfortunately my initial feeling about these eggs was correct. A6, B2, and B9 were removed and I cracked them open to confirm: they were not fertile. There's one or two more I'm eyeing suspiciously but aren't confident enough to feel like they warrant removal. All 3 have been replaced with the most promising of the understudy eggs and I'm going to attempt a staggered hatch. Everybody else looks fantastic! Next candling I'll actually get pictures. My camera is not very good, so I thought with this early barely-visible development that I probably wouldn't be able to see much in the pictures.

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