Moving chicks outside and incorporating with other chickens


May 27, 2022
We have 4 chicks almost 6 weeks old. They’re all feathered out, 2 OE and SLW and GLW(roo). Our temps are currently in the 70’s at a high and 50’s at a low. I built a wall to seperate the coop so they can begin to see and get used to our existing chickens, and learn the coop as their home. Thinking of keeping them separated for about 1 week.

Are these temps ok to be outside permanently with no extra heat source?


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We have 4 chicks almost 6 weeks old. They’re all feathered out, 2 OE and SLW and GLW(roo). Our temps are currently in the 70’s at a high and 50’s at a low. I built a wall to seperate the coop so they can begin to see and get used to our existing chickens, and learn the coop as their home. Thinking of keeping them separated for about 1 week.

Are these temps ok to be outside permanently with no extra heat source?
Can they access any shade or will they be in the sun for the entire day?
Can they access any shade or will they be in the sun for the entire day?

This is the coop when we had our first chicks before putting them in. I plan to block off a little less than half of it for the new chicks. They’ll be in there for 1-2 weeks and then will open it up to the covered run with some sun and some shade
Are these temps ok to be outside permanently with no extra heat source?
I've had chicks younger than that go through nights with a low in the mid 20's Fahrenheit. Your chicks should do fine as long as they are sheltered from wind.

I would not anticipate any problems with hot weather until it warms up some more. But it is always good to give them options. Shade is good!

My chicks straight out of the incubator are very good at managing being in the right temperatures as long as they have suitable options.

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