Moving with chickens


Sep 23, 2024
I know this question has been asked a billon times but I thought I'd ask for my specific situation. Unfortunately Kentucky is not the place for us but I plan on taking my flock with me (probably 10 birds) back to Missouri a 10~hr drive. It will be the beginning or middle of September, and we will be taking a uhaul.
My parents told me to just put them in the back of the uhaul in dog cages and check on them each stop. I'm more than worried it will be too hot/stressful but I'm not sure what else to do, the front cabin will be full with my dog myself and my boyfriend so there's no way I'm fitting even 1 up there.
Any advice? It's the only thing I'm not looking forward to with moving, I'll be crushed if they're not okay. Well certain ones at least...
If possible, try to avoid leaving in summer so they won't be as hot. I agree about the fan and perhaps some kind of nipple waterer with ice water would be helpful too. Preventing stuff from crushing them will be more tricky, but it comes down to good stacking and a heavy duty crate. I'd also look into the legality of transporting chickens across state lines in the areas you're going to especially with bird flu being as much of an issue as it is rn

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