Murray McMurray Hatchery Pics Anyone?

My order came in today from MM all were in good shape and extreamly active, (and thirsty), to my great relief. Can you name all four breeds and the freebie?




The black and yellow are anconas.
The dark striped ones with the bandit masks are golden laced wyondotts.
The dark ons with head feathers are g.l. polishs.
The solid yellow are buff orphingtons.
And the freebie is dark Brahma.
I ordered Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Easter Eggers, Barred Rock, Delaware, and Cuckoo Marans. Sorry this is so picture heavy but here are some pictures of them growing, I got a little bummed since I realized my "free exotic chick" is probably another EE. But since I love EEs I guess it is ok, I was just hoping for something that really stuck out as different.... o well. They gave me an extra Barred Rock as my insurance that all chicks ordered would live.

First Week:

Easter Egger

Barred Rock/ Cuckoo Maran (They both look a lot alike at this age)


Buff Orpington

Black Australorp

"Rare Chick" Easter Egger

Here they are at 6-7 weeks old

Barred Rock

Cuckoo Maran

Easter Egger

"Rare Chick" Easter Egger Cockerel


Black Australorp

Buff Orpington
I ordered Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Easter Eggers, Barred Rock, Delaware, and Cuckoo Marans. Sorry this is so picture heavy but here are some pictures of them growing, I got a little bummed since I realized my "free exotic chick" is probably another EE. But since I love EEs I guess it is ok, I was just hoping for something that really stuck out as different.... o well. They gave me an extra Barred Rock as my insurance that all chicks ordered would live. First Week: Easter Egger Barred Rock/ Cuckoo Maran (They both look a lot alike at this age) Delaware Buff Orpington Black Australorp "Rare Chick" Easter Egger
Here they are at 6-7 weeks old Barred Rock Cuckoo Maran Easter Egger "Rare Chick" Easter Egger Cockerel Delaware Black Australorp Buff Orpington
Very cute pics! Sorry the exotic wasn't so exotic... But barred rocks and EEs are still good breeds :)
Here are a few pics of some of my birds from mcmurray. They are 2 years old this year. Some of the pics are from a year or two ago.

My best Columbian Wyandotte pullet. Won first place at the fair.

One of my two Hamburgs. They were 10 months old in this picture, but had never laid an egg. I sold both because of that, and I was told that they started laying that spring, go figure...

Two of my 4 EEs. They all stopped laying in the winter but picked up production to an egg a day in the spring. They do have tail feathers, but these two had them pulled off... sadly.

My partridge cochin, Poofy. she looks horrible in this picture because this is when she was brought inside after being attacked by a hawk.

My two Dark Brahmas. The one in the back is molting in the picture. The one in the front is the friendliest chicken. She would jump up in your lap and try to get on your shoulder to rest on.

My Brown Leghorn, Girly. She is friendly as well like the brahma, but she has a tendency to peck at any exposed skin she can reach, and she likes teeth as well, but I don't know why.
I ordered 25 chicks from Murray back in Feb 2014. Here is there picture at about a day old.
We lost two withing 24 hours but the rest grew to adults. Then we lost one to a seriously prolapsed vent at about 18 weeks. Everyone else is doing fine. We ordered all pullets but ended up with two Blue Andalusian (alpha male) and one Dominique (beta male). The Dominique was the free rare breed they sent. We are happy with their service and will order from them again.
I found a few more pictures of the birds when they were younger.

Here is a picture of my free rare exotic chick. His name was Cooper, but sadly he passed away the day after the picture was taken. He was 7 months old and we and the vet believe it was some sort of cancer that killed him.

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