Murray McMurray problems anyone else?


Dec 5, 2021
Ordered 40 assorted babies last year for delivery in March. They were shipped on the 3rd and arrived on the 4th. Half of them were dead. In addition, Murray decided to replace about 20% of the order, replacing several more expensive chicks for plain White leghorns. Anyway, I called and got a scheduled reship to replace the dead birds, gave them an earful about the crappy replacements they sent me, hung up the phone.

Then, this morning I get a phone call from the post office. A box of dead chicks waiting for me. What in the hell?

Murray sent my 40+ chick order TWICE. The second time they sent it on the 5th, despite their supposed policy of only sending on Mondays and Tuesdays. And then the PO lost the box and it showed up this morning, another box of dead birds from Murray McMurray...

I am sick about this. Absolutely sick to my stomach. I love my birds and seeing not 1 but 2 boxes full of dead ones due to no fault of my own is really hitting me hard. I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has had this kind of problem this year.
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So sorry that happened. Thanks for sharing your story. The hatchery needs to use a different delivery service if USPS can't handle live animals anymore. They used to do okay. As to why they sent them twice, without telling you?!? I'd love to hear their explanation.
When we ask for chicks, McMurray hatchery.. We're asking for them ALIVE you know!?

I've heard tons of complaints about this hatchery. It sickens me greatly hearing about these stories, The audacity they have to send you a SECOND BOX of DEAD CHICKS after you complained.. Yeah.. That's just horrible.. I hope you get a proper refund and feel better!
When we ask for chicks, McMurray hatchery.. We're asking for them ALIVE you know!?

I've heard tons of complaints about this hatchery. It sickens me greatly hearing about these stories, The audacity they have to send you a SECOND BOX of DEAD CHICKS after you complained.. Yeah.. That's just horrible.. I hope you get a proper refund and feel better!
You really think McMurray packed up a box of dead chicks and sent them out?
Hatcheries want us to receive live chicks. To think differently is.....
So what hatchery was it...mcmurray or meyer? Story isnt adding up...
Sorry it's Murray McMurray. I can post pictures of both boxes full of dead birds if you like? Sorry I said Meyer in the first post. I'll edit it.

Why would someone come here out of left field and just post a made up story? What makes you live your life thinking people are going to be like that?

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