Muscovy drake


Mar 15, 2024
hey guys my Muscovy pair hatched their eggs 4 days ago. We were planning on keeping them all together but we ended up having to move our drake away from them. So what should we do? Should we get him another girl? We don’t want to separate mom from her babies bc she is doing really great with them. He is all alone and I don’t know what would be best for him.
I agree, he doesn't need a new mate. He needs separating from the mama duck and ducklings until the ducklings ar 6-8 weeks old, but he should be able to see them. A temporary dog pen with a kiddy pool is all that is needed to keep him out of trouble. If you have a dog crate, he can sleep in that in the duck house at night. Or partition the duck house to keep him away from the ducklings.
You may have to keep any male ducklings away from him for good -- he will know which are drakes before you do, so keep a very close eye on him when you are introducing him back into the family flock!

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