Muscovy ducks relocation

meme mary carol

In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2019
We have young Muscovy ducks. We decided not to clip wings since we live where we have predators. They are becoming a problem. We need to relocate them to pond but they do not like it. We carry them down and they promptly walk back.

Should we move their comfort zone and pen them up for a few days to re orient them?

Any suggestions
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. Sorry I do not know enough about ducks to offer any advice. Please go to the "forums" at top of page, and scroll down to "Duck Forum." The folks there are experienced and should be able to help you.
Muscovy aren't like mallard ducks. They will visit water, but don't want to stay on the water like other duck breeds. Mine wander the yard, or nap in the shed. They take baths during the day, but don't spend hours swimming.

Welcome to BYC.
Thank you oldhenlikesdogs, now I know "something' about Muscovies.
Muscovy come from south America. Caiman, and leopards like to eat them as well as anaconda. Staying on the water is a dangerous thing for a muscovy. They roost in trees, and are more ground dwelling than mallard based ducks. :)
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