My 2 chickens/roosters are fighting.


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2022
I have two chickens right now. 6 and a half weeks old. One of them is a rooster, but the other one is smaller and has a shorter crown. For the past 2 weeks, they have been fighting (fluffing themselves up, raising their neck feathers and lifting their heads higher than the other), but 1 week ago it escalated to pecking too. I’m pretty sure this is the pecking order, but wouldn’t they have resolved it by now (I’m a beginner in raising chickens, so the pecking order is new to me). Does anyone know how to stop the fights? If not, how long do they last? I’m afraid they might injure each other. Below is an image of the rooster.


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:welcome The pecking order is ever changing with lower ranked birds trying to improve their position and higher ranked birds trying to maintain theirs. As long as blood is not being drawn I'd just let them resolve things. Interceding can cause even greater problems.
How much space do you have these birds in? Often times in the interest of keeping them safe, people tend to keep them in too small of space.

What are your plans? One hen and one rooster is not a good combination, and often leads to heartache later on. You need to consider what you will do. I don't really think of this as pecking order, but rather dominance in too small of an area. It is not a good sign that your cockerel chick is this aggressive this early on.

For the short term, getting them more space, with clutter will help. But not for the long term. Wishing they would just get along won't really work for chickens. You need a plan and a place to totally separate the male from the female, if that is what she is? It could be you have two males, and their behavior kind of indicates that. Pictures would help us give better advice.

Mrs K
1 hen and 1 rooster is insane. Seriously you have 1 rooster too many. I ended up with 4 hens and a rooster and he about destroyed those 4. Luckily I brought in 6 more pullets and they're maturing and have already gotten his eye along with his back jumping. I think we're good now. But 1:1 will never work. Ever. Even if he was the nicest Cockerel in the world... wouldn't work.
At around 5 to 6 weeks old my cockerel chicks tend to fight for the first time, and then everything calms down until they a far bit older.
I agree that a 1 to 1 ratio probably won't work.
How much space do you have these birds in? Often times in the interest of keeping them safe, people tend to keep them in too small of space.

What are your plans? One hen and one rooster is not a good combination, and often leads to heartache later on. You need to consider what you will do. I don't really think of this as pecking order, but rather dominance in too small of an area. It is not a good sign that your cockerel chick is this aggressive this early on.

For the short term, getting them more space, with clutter will help. But not for the long term. Wishing they would just get along won't really work for chickens. You need a plan and a place to totally separate the male from the female, if that is what she is? It could be you have two males, and their behavior kind of indicates that. Pictures would help us give better advice.

Mrs K
I keep them in a 20 x 15 feet area, with non-toxic grasses, moss, water, food, and sometimes treats. They have shade and an indoor area as well. I’m also planning on getting pullets. What’s good is that the fighting has really decreased, so I’m pretty sure it was because they were growing up.
At around 5 to 6 weeks old my cockerel chicks tend to fight for the first time, and then everything calms down until they a far bit older.
I agree that a 1 to 1 ratio probably won't work.
1 hen and 1 rooster is insane. Seriously you have 1 rooster too many. I ended up with 4 hens and a rooster and he about destroyed those 4. Luckily I brought in 6 more pullets and they're maturing and have already gotten his eye along with his back jumping. I think we're good now. But 1:1 will never work. Ever. Even if he was the nicest Cockerel in the world... wouldn't work.
Okay thanks for the advice. I can get 10 pullets… but do you think I should wait for the rooster to mature more, or should I get some now?
Well, I don't think you want this advice. Most people don't when they first start with chickens, they want to keep everything, and just hope it works out, but it seldom does.

I would get the 10 pullets and remove the rooster by re-homing him. An all pullet flock is best for your first time out. You have a lovely amount of space, and should have a lovely flock soon.

The thing is, roosters take experience, and they are not like puppies which are true pets, and develop relationships with people. Roosters are often very outgoing and appear quite friendly, but that is really inexperienced people mis-judging their response. They often times can get very ugly, and this forum is full of where the darling became the nightmare.

Would you post a picture of both of your birds? I am wondering, considering their ages if they are both cockerels?

At 6 weeks - you still have pullets and cockerels, very immature birds. Adding 10 chicks should really help get that integration done, but do set up some hideouts, and one way gates, that the chicks can get into, but the opening is too small for the older birds.

Mrs K
If you're intent on keeping the cockerel, then yes you need to get more girls for him. He should start mating around 15 weeks or so and it's very intense. Like 20x a day intense. If you haven't seen chickens do it.... it's not exactly romantic. Our cockerel has been a handful. But he's also taken good care of the flock. Yes he chases us and does plenty of sneak attacks on us, but we're ready all the time for him now. I have a saying.... DON'T TRUST THE ROOSTER! He's a liar who will sit there and pretend he's just a chicken while you're watching him. Then he'll run like heck to claw the back of your legs as soon as you turn your back.

Still unsure if we're going to keep him around honestly.

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