My Ameracanas and Easter eggers

L&Schickens :

I like my Barabnters, but they can't make up their minds if they are going to be roosters or hens. They have no combes or waddles and they are 4 months old!!!!

What does that tell you?
Don't blame them if you don't want to accept those are pullets.
To our Moderator hinkjc,

Beautiful web site you have. Love the Araucana information.

Here is some information I found on the web. You may or may not already know all of this.
Some of it is interesting.

The Araucana chicken, is a breed of poultry which lays blue and blue/green eggs and can trace it's descent from two rare South American types of chicken - the Collonca, and the Queteros.

The Collonca is a naturally clean faced, rumpless (tailless), blue egg laying fowl.

The Queteros is tailed, has ear tuffs and usually lays a pinkish brown egg.

Many years ago, the cross between the Collonca and the Queteros resulted in what we now know as the Araucana. The worldwide interest in the special traits of the Araucana can be directly attributed to an article which the National Geographic Magazine published in April 1927.
Here are some of her. She does have a beird. She came with Sunshine, the roo and a golden laced hen with a clean face. Sunshine also has a clean face.


She is really pretty.
But all of the hens are. I can honestly say I have never seen a silver-laced Easter Egger though. That would be awesome to see in the Ameraucanas...
EEs have green legs and will most often lay green eggs/

Ameraucanas have a blue/slate grey colored legs and lay blue or blue green eggs...

EEs are hybrids/mixes of a blue egg or green egg layer and another breed.

Basically, Ameraucanas are a distinct breed and the EEs are mutts...awesome mutts but there you have it.

I have 4 EEs and absolutely love them. All were purchased from hatcheries and supposedly Ameraucanas but they are EEs. Look at the legs give it away pronto.

Love your flock. Sunshine is a handsome his markings.
Someone asked in a reply what the difference is between a true Ameraucan and an Easter Egger (EE).

An “Easter Egger (EE)” or “Easter Egg Layer (EEL)” is the common name used by Feather Fanciers who know what a true Ameraucana or Araucana is. The EE is the progeny of either a true Ameraucana or Araucana and something else. These can me a hybrid of any number of things but have some Ameraucana or Araucana blood in them. Now, there is nothing at all wrong with having EE’s – just as long as you know what you are getting or have. In fact, I have both. Pure SQ Ameraucanas and EE’s. One of my EE’s lays a rather pastel pinkish/purple or purplish/pink egg sometimes. The true Ameraucana will lay a blue egg except for very rare occasions where a modifier gene (that hasn’t been eliminated yet) turns up and causes a green-tinted egg. The EE can lay eggs that could be any variation of blue, green, yellow, and purplish-pink or pinkish-purple.

For more info on true Ameraucanas see: “Myths & Facts” at , “History” at and “Ameraucanas” at

Those will be very helpful and anything else I would say is likely redundant. As for “Araucanas”, they are a totally different recognized breed and I’ll leave it up to you to research them if you’re interested.

God Bless,
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