My baby rooster has a weeze after his cock-a-doodle dooo! Help please

Sep 14, 2024
Small black rooster (Bantum?) beautiful blues & greens. 1 1/2 lbs MAYBE got him in July with 3 other chicks (1 rooster & 2 hens) at Atwood's.He has no weight loss or gain. I had 1 the same colors just full size this happened to and never recovered. This one seems to be ok 1 out of every 3 days he is getting kinda mad by making him stay inside. He is pouty & snuggly in the mornings. He eats great. I feed him 5 grain scratch and he takes his meds in corn & a lil bread. He gets apples w/out seeds. I have also tried tumeric, ginger, and garlic seasons in white rice. And Pet RX. ALSO RESCUE 911. I'm just running out of options. They free range in my fenced front yard. And screen metal nights. Poop is fine white and brown stinky is a lil runny.
Some roosters have a wheeze/squeak after they crow. Unless this is a new occurrence, I wouldn't worry. I would recommend putting all of your birds on a maintenance diet with the scratch being an occasional treat.
There has to be an inhale after expelling all that air to make a crow, and in my roosters, it has a sound too....
Some roosters have a wheeze/squeak after they crow. Unless this is a new occurrence, I wouldn't worry. I would recommend putting all of your birds on a maintenance diet with the scratch being an occasional treat.
This, it could very well be normal. It sounds like a weezy sound immediately after the crow. Mine does it too, or at least he used to and prob still does.

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