My Barred Rocks are cofusing the heck out of me LOL..updated pics

Ha, I have a pair of lil chicks that look just like these, cute little white spots on their head and all. Lol gives me hope that mine are barred rocks or plymouth rocks now.
Well that would make sense because the one other that was supposed to be a BR and I thought was really an now getting that will make two barred rock australorp crosses...
Well they are now 8 weeks old and all females...and all have barring, even the one I thought was an australorp. But one has much whiter, brighter baring than the other three. You can see them in these pics of them today going outside for the first time.

see how the one at the feeder is brighter?


this is the brigher one, although from this pic it is hard to tell she is whiter


Yeah!!! Four hens.. I am sooooo happy!!! Especially in light of the fact that out of 28 chicks, 10 are roosters

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