My black frizzle and white silki


Nov 13, 2015
So fun white silki and black frizzle the frizzle wings curled almost full circle and so many new feathers coming in will be beautiful. Is grooming necessary when older? My first frizzle and what a amazing personality, wants to be in your hand and I am more then happy to oblige. White silki is more then happy to be left alone, different from others. Just have there own personality
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Thanks I just can't wait till it is older so I can hold and play whithout feeling like I am going to hurt it lol so tiney.
Can't believe ended up a hen I am so blessed but had to re home her partner silkie her and I spend all day togeather I just hope ahe is not heartbroken wish they could talk
Well if one was a cockerel you could breed them to make sizzles!

I wish I could have kept him silkie but not were we live I could not keep him it was a horable thing to re home him still not over it. Now I just hope SpaZy is ok she seems happy took it better then me that is for sure maybe there was more going on with the relationship lol she almost seemed relieved.
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