no he was a rose comb. all the F1's were rose comb and the F2's are half single combs now. It's not really as big of a deal as color is though and seems to breed out fairly easily
BlR Cochins will be beautiful. Sounds like a difficult project though, makes Mille fleurs seem easy.
I am working on Lavenders/Self-Blues. Their problem, besides type, is poor feather quality.
Update: this project may be taking a new turn since I introduced the mille fleur color into the mix. It seems that the F2 babies are going to be a columbian pettern, which will also be very pretty. I am excited to see what they look like this summer
as I continue to watch the chicks grow and do more research it seems that they are taking on the color patterns of a dark brahma where the males seem to be columbian and the females seem to be a partridge type pattern. only time will tell what they turn out like but I think I may have a blue buff / red columbian strain started which I think is pretty cool
It will be interesting to see how these mature out and what this summer's breeding brings up