My brave WR Rooster killed by hawk today...

I am so sorry for your loss
Thank you. He was lifeless on the floor of their home, with his Ellie gently standing at his side, touching him, and whimpering in the most heart aching way
. He had treated her like a princess.....
So sorry for your loss! I just lost my 3 bantam cochins, meant for a breeding project next year, to a weasel that snuck into the accidentally open coop. My fault, not the weasel.

If you search on Ebay for poultry netting you may find some pretty reasonable prices, certainly a lot less expensive in the long run than loosing good laying hens.

There are federal laws against shooting raptors, put in place to protect birds that do tremendous good in reducing populations of rodents and other varmints that are serious problems for all of us.
You will either have to put your birds up in a coop for a while or build a chicken tractor for them. Hawks are protected by law.

When November comes along, I usually coop my birds. I also have a big chicken tractor built from cattle panels and welded wire. Nothing can get in unless it digs in, and I haven't seen too many hawks that dig.

What you probably saw was a big female hawk. In hawks, the females are larger than the male.
So sorry for your loss. I agree that the only way to prevent this is to find a secure way to let them range. I have a portable pen that my HH hubby made so my chicks can range. He was such a beautiful roo!

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