My broody Barnevelder is hatching eggs. Wanna see what comes out?

The egg hatched, but I was gone, and baby died. I knew that she was gonna hatch, because I saw the pip and heard her chirping, but when I got back the next day (today) she was dead next to Willow.

I may take the other eggs and out them in my incubator. I'm also gonna try to candle them.
So, update on Willow-

I took all six of her remaining eggs and candled them. One had nothing going on, and every other egg was fully developed (I think that most are still alive) Everytims I have held the eggs to look for pips or listen for peeps, two or three have been cold. There is an egg with a dent because of her squishing it, but it looks fully developed. I put that egg back under her, and put the four remaining eggs in my incubator.
The bator temp in 99.5, and the humidity is 66. Should I raise the humidity?
So, update on Willow-

I took all six of her remaining eggs and candled them. One had nothing going on, and every other egg was fully developed (I think that most are still alive) Everytims I have held the eggs to look for pips or listen for peeps, two or three have been cold. There is an egg with a dent because of her squishing it, but it looks fully developed. I put that egg back under her, and put the four remaining eggs in my incubator.
The bator temp in 99.5, and the humidity is 66. Should I raise the humidity?
I don’t think you need to raise it. When they start hatching, it will go up on its own. If it starts to go down, and you see an external pip, you can add more water then.
I have chicks! Willow went broody again a few days ago and I bought four chicks. Two Barred Rocks and two Easter Eggers (I think)
The chicks are about a week old I think. I just shoved them under Willow yesterday and she loves them.
Their names are Crystal, Opal, Sapphire, and Ruby. Sapphire and Ruby are BR’s and Crystal and Opal are EE’s.
Just wanted to let y’all know since you guys wanted to see chicks.

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