My buff is I’ll any advice


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Aug 8, 2019
Brooklyn, NY
Hi BYC, my chicken has become lethargic and appears to have trouble walking. And now her comb has a black tip. She’s also loosing weight as her breast bone is very prominent. I’ve checked her vent and it’s all good. I did warm Epsom salt bath and made sure her bottom was clean. Any ideas ? See photo of comb below.
Hi! Did she have any meat on her breast bone? See if you can get her to eat, give her something sweet to boost her blood sugar and whet her appetite. I've also dipped their beak in straight undiluted nutridrench to help with boosting vitamins, then offer egg yolk, meat, yogurt, and anything else that she usually really goes after.
How old is she? Does she lay eggs? Is her tail position up or down? Has she molted recently? Have you added any new birds to your flock recently? Are there any other symptoms. If she could be egg bound possibly, giving her a human calcium tablet with D3 may help. Try feeding her sips of electrolyte or sugar water, bits of cooked egg, and wet chicken feed up to her beak.
How old is she? Does she lay eggs? Is her tail position up or down? Has she molted recently? Have you added any new birds to your flock recently? Are there any other symptoms. If she could be egg bound possibly, giving her a human calcium tablet with D3 may help. Try feeding her sips of electrolyte or sugar water, bits of cooked egg, and wet chicken feed up to her beak.
Hi Thx,
She's 3 years old and was laying up until recently. I checked and she is not egg bound and the abdomen is not hard.
I'll get on the sugar/electrolyte water today and all the other stuff and see how she responds
Well I sat at the kitchen table and put small pieces of hard boiled egg in her mouth and washed it down using a syringe with 50/50 electrolyte and water drink. After a few times she actually started to peck at the egg in my hand but was clearly very weak and having trouble standing well.
My Zoo keeper daughter and I are taking turns doing the hand feeding hoping she will get up some strength and recover. but we will see
thx for all the advise BYC flock!

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