All of your efforts are futile, she will just have to learn from experience. Trust me I have tried, but let's not say anything else because it will offend the OP and get us all screaming for nothing. Some people must learn on their own.
I am learning, and so far none of the horrors you tell me will happen have happened.
It is still a bad idea to keep them together, regardless of whether or not you are worried about disease. The buttons are so much smaller than the chicken that they can be seriously injured or even killed by it.
Do yourself a favor and separate them before something happens.
All of your efforts are futile, she will just have to learn from experience. Trust me I have tried, but let's not say anything else because it will offend the OP and get us all screaming for nothing. Some people must learn on their own.
I am learning, and so far none of the horrors you tell me will happen have happened.
It is still a bad idea to keep them together, regardless of whether or not you are worried about disease. The buttons are so much smaller than the chicken that they can be seriously injured or even killed by it.
Do yourself a favor and separate them before something happens.