My buttons, 9 weeks old

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All of your efforts are futile, she will just have to learn from experience. Trust me I have tried, but let's not say anything else because it will offend the OP and get us all screaming for nothing. Some people must learn on their own.

I am learning, and so far none of the horrors you tell me will happen have happened.

It is still a bad idea to keep them together, regardless of whether or not you are worried about disease. The buttons are so much smaller than the chicken that they can be seriously injured or even killed by it.

Do yourself a favor and separate them before something happens.
If this is such a serious disease why hasnt it come up? I know people wo have raised quail with chickens for years and never had problems, like I said before, it may not work for you but it does for me.

It comes up all over this forum. It has since I have joined the site. I look forward to gettign updates on these particular birds over the course of this coming season.. see how long they make it..

Sorry for the negative tone, but it is true! You must be young, because most folks that have been around a while would listen to the advice from people that are sucessful in their fields..
So in the second last pic the one on the left is a golden pearl, the middle one is a slate and the one on the right is a cinnamon blueface? Thanks! What about sexes?
Also brings up the phrase "why risk it?". With so many deaths and infections reported, why risk you gorgeous buttons?
I am learning, and so far none of the horrors you tell me will happen have happened.

It is still a bad idea to keep them together, regardless of whether or not you are worried about disease. The buttons are so much smaller than the chicken that they can be seriously injured or even killed by it.

Do yourself a favor and separate them before something happens.

That is a
I dont tell people it will work for them, only it has worked for me. I dont plan on getting adult stock, only chicks and eggs.
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