My chick is behaving strangely


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2024
Hi y’all, my 2-3 week old chick will start gasping at night and lowering her wings and hanging her head low. During the day she is perfectly fine though, active, cheeping, and eating and drinking properly. I gave her sugary water. She doesn’t have pasty butt or anything. This morning she literally squirted clear poo. She has been drinking a lot though. I brought the heat lamp a little further away from her last night and she seemed to fall asleep without gasping. Since it is day I cannot send a video of her gasping but I’ll send a few photos later f her right now


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The clear poo is common when chickens drink a lot of water. Sounds like you did the right thing pulling the heat lamp away a bit. She might have been overheated which lead to her drinking more water. Just keep an eye on her!

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